How to find a publication?
1°) Search without a priori
All referenced publication available on the website are filed here.
The publications are sorted by date (descending) of publication.
2°) Search using tags
You can search publications using their keywords associated (or tags).
For that, go to the bottom left of the homepage and click on one of the available tags.
Publications with this keyword will appear under link shape into another tab.
Please note, only the 30 most used keywords are available by this search method.
For other keywords, use the method explained in the following paragraph.
3°) Search using keywords
You can search publications using keywords.
To do this, write a keyword (such as Medicago or symbiosis) in the frame of the "Search site" part that you will find on the left of the site and available on all pages of the site.
Then simply click on the magnifying glass.
Any links containing your keyword appear, it only remains for you to click on these links.
4°) Search of member
You can search publications using member names.
For that, you can search a member name as a keyword (see previous paragraph, not recommended method).
You can search using directly the list of members available on the site by clicking on this link.
Members are sorted by year and alphabetic order.
Select a member and click its list of publication.
The list of all publications of this member is available and then it'll just choose the publication that you are interested in by clicking one of the available links.
5°) Search of journal
You can search publications using the journal list (Nature, Science, New Phytologist...) available by clicking on this link.
Journals are sorted by impact factor and publications are listed by member and the year of publication.