List of publications

Calcium/calmodulin-mediated regulation of plant immunity

07/01/2013 00:00
Cécilia Cheval, Didier Aldon, Jean-Philippe Galaud and Benoît Ranty   Abstract: Calcium is a universal messenger involved in the modulation of diverse developmental and adaptive processes in response to various physiological stimuli. Ca2 + signals are represented by stimulus-specific Ca2 + signatures that are sensed and translated into proper cellular responses by diverse Ca2 + binding proteins and their downstream targets. Calmodulin (CaM) and calmodulin-like (CML) proteins...

Lipo-chitooligosaccharidic symbiotic signals are recognized by LysM receptor-like kinase LYR3 in the legume Medicago truncatula

06/28/2013 00:00
Fliegmann J, Canova S, Lachaud C, Uhlenbroich S, Gasciolli V, Pichereaux C, Rossignol M, Rosenberg C, Cumener M, Pitorre D, Lefebvre B, Gough C, Samain E, Fort S, Driguez H, Vauzeilles B, Beau JM, Nurisso A, Imberty A, Cullimore J, Bono JJ.   Abstract: While chitooligosaccharides (COs) derived from fungal chitin are potent elicitors of defense reactions, structurally related signals produced by certain bacteria and fungi, called lipo-chitooligosaccharides (LCOs), play important roles in...

Interactions of beneficial and detrimental root-colonizing filamentous microbes with plant hosts

06/25/2013 00:00
Thomas Rey and Sebastian Schornack   Abstract: Understanding commonalities and differences of how symbiotic and parasitic microbes interact with plants will improve advantageous interactions and allow pathogen control strategies in crops. Recently established systems enable studies of root pathogenic and symbiotic interactions in the same plant species.   Journal: Genome Biology   Link:    

Disease resistance or growth: the role of plant hormones in balancing immune responses and fitness costs

05/24/2013 00:00
Nicolas Denancé, Andrea Sánchez-Vallet, Deborah Goffner, Antonio Molina   Abstract: Plant growth and response to environmental cues are largely governed by phytohormones. The plant hormones ethylene, jasmonic acid, and salicylic acid (SA) play a central role in the regulation of plant immune responses. In addition, other plant hormones, such as auxins, abscisic acid (ABA), cytokinins, gibberellins, and brassinosteroids, that have been thoroughly described to regulate plant development and...

Transpirational demand affects aquaporin expression in poplar roots

04/18/2013 00:00
Joan Laur and Uwe G. Hacke   Abstract: Isohydric plants tend to maintain a water potential homeostasis primarily by controlling water loss via stomatal conductance. However, there is accumulating evidence that plants can also modulate water uptake in a dynamic manner. The dynamics of water uptake are influenced by aquaporin-mediated changes in root hydraulics. Most studies in this area have been conducted on herbaceous plants, and less is known about responses of woody plants. Here a study...

Protein Epistasis Revealed from Thermostability Profiles of Nicotiana tabacum 5-epi-Aristolochene Synthase

04/01/2013 00:00
Charisse Crenshaw, Johnatan Aljadeff, Irma Fernandez, Caroline Laurendon, Marianne Defernez, Hyun Jo Koo, Paul E. O’Maille, Tatyana Sharpee and Joseph P. Noel   Abstract: The limits of protein evolution are ultimately defined by biophysical constraints. Specifically, the maintenance of protein folding and stability is essential for the emergence novel enzyme function in the face of accumulating mutations. This fundamental requirement necessitates a viable mutational pathway towards...

Estimating contemporary pollen-flow and associated outbreeding effects on herbaceous plant populations along altitudinal gradients

03/31/2013 00:00
Philippe Matter   Abstract: Current rapid global warming is inducing changes in local environmental conditions. To cope with those changes plant populations might migrate, adapt genetically, or react with phenotypic plasticity. Genetic adaption requires that the genetic diversity available is large enough to undergo selection, or it may occur through outbreeding and integration of beneficial, adaptive alleles. For outbreeding to happen, gene ‐ flow must be able to connect populations. The...

Modularity of Plant Metabolic Gene Clusters: A Trio of Linked Genes That Are Collectively Required for Acylation of Triterpenes in Oat

03/29/2013 00:00
Sam T. Mugford, Thomas Louveau, Rachel Melton, Xiaoquan Qi, Saleha Bakht, Lionel Hill, Tetsu Tsurushima, Suvi Honkanen, Susan J. Rosser, George P. Lomonossoff and Anne Osbourn   Abstract: Operon-like gene clusters are an emerging phenomenon in the field of plant natural products. The genes encoding some of the best-characterized plant secondary metabolite biosynthetic pathways are scattered across plant genomes. However, an increasing number of gene clusters encoding the synthesis of...

Role of the NF-YA1 and NF-YA2 transcription factors in early steps of the rhizobial symbiosis in Medicago truncatula

03/25/2013 00:00
Tom Laloum   Summary: (French version) Les plantes de la famille des légumineuses sont capables d'établir une interaction symbiotique avec des bactéries du sol, collectivement appelées Rhizobia. Cette interaction aboutit à la formation d'un nouvel organe appelé nodule et dans lequel les bactéries différenciées fixent l'azote atmosphérique au bénéfice de la plante hôte. Les facteurs Nods (NFs) rhizobiens sont des molécules clés responsables de la spécificité d'hôte, et sont capables à eux...

CCAAT-box binding transcription factors in plants: Y so many?

03/01/2013 00:00
Tom Laloum, Stéphane De Mita, Pascal Gamas, Maël Baudin and Andreas Niebel   Abstract: Transcription factors belonging to the CCAAT-box binding factor family (also known as the Nuclear Factor Y) are present in all higher eukaryotes. Studies in plants have revealed that each subunit of this heterotrimeric transcription factor is encoded by a gene belonging to a multigene family allowing a considerable modularity. In this review, we focus on recent findings concerning the expression patterns...
Items: 91 - 100 of 193
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