List of publications

An experimental system to study responses of Medicago truncatula roots to chitin oligomers of high degree of polymerization and other microbial elicitors

01/13/2013 00:00
A. Nars, T. Rey, C. Lafitte, S. Vergnes, S. Amatya, Christophe Jacquet, B. Dumas, C. Thibaudeau, L. Heux, A. Bottin, J. Fliegmann   Abstract: The root system of legume plants interacts with a large variety of microorganisms, either pathogenic or symbiotic. Understanding how legumes recognize and respond specifically to pathogen-associated or symbiotic signals requires the development of standardized bioassays using well-defined preparations of the corresponding signals. Here we describe...

Coordination entre l'épiderme et le cortex dans l'établissement des endosymbioses racinaires chez Medicago truncatula : rôle du gène DMI3 codant une protéine calcium et calmoduline dépendante

01/11/2013 00:00
Pauline Rival   Abstract: Depuis qu'elles ont conquis la surface de la terre, les plantes ont développé de nombreuses stratégies pour faire face aux carences en eau et en nutriments essentiels de leur environnement. L'une des plus fascinantes est sans doute la mise en place d'endosymbioses racinaires avec des microorganismes du sol. Ainsi les champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules (AM), qu'on trouve associés avec 80% des espèces végétales terrestres, permettent aux plantes d'utiliser plus...

Glycosyltransferases from Oat (Avena) Implicated in the Acylation of Avenacins

12/20/2012 00:00
Amorn Owatworakit, Belinda Townsend, Thomas Louveau, Helen Jenner, Martin Rejzek, Richard K. Hughes, Gerhard Saalbach, Xiaoquan Qi, Saleha Bakht, Abhijeet Deb Roy, Sam T. Mugford, Rebecca J. M. Goss, Robert A. Field and Anne Osbourn   Abstract: Plants produce a huge array of specialized metabolites that have important functions in defense against biotic and abiotic stresses. Many of these compounds are glycosylated by family 1 glycosyltransferases (GTs). Oats (Avena spp.) make root-derived...

"Nitrate-NO" respiration study in symbiotic interaction between Medicago truncatula and Sinorhizobium meliloti : searching for mitochondrial nitrite transporter

12/17/2012 00:00
Marianne Prevot   Abstract: Symbiosis between legume plants and nitrogen-fixing bacteria (rhizobium) constitute a major issue to reduce nitrogen fertilization in crops. Central function of nodules is the enzymatic reduction of atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into ammoniac (NH4+) by the bacterial nitrogenise, and the subsequent assimilation in the plant cell. This highly energy-consuming process is a paradox as occurring in hypoxied tissue where mitochondrial respiration -the main ATP source- is...

Cell autonomous and non-cell autonomous control of rhizobial and mycorrhizal infection in Medicago truncatula

12/06/2012 00:00
Pauline Rival, Jean-Jacques Bono, Clare Gough, Sandra Bensmihen and Charles Rosenberg   Abstract: Legumes can form a nitrogen fixing symbiosis with soil bacteria called rhizobia (the RL symbiosis). They can also, like most plants, form symbiotic associations with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, which facilitate plants’ phosphate nutrition. In both interactions, the symbionts are hosted inside the plant root. Nitrogen-fixing rhizobia are housed in intracellular symbiotic structures...

Régulation de la symbiose endomycorhizienne par le phosphate

12/03/2012 00:00
Coline Balzergue   Abstract: La majorité des plantes terrestres forme une symbiose racinaire avec des champignons mycorhiziens à arbuscules. Une forte fertilisation phosphatée est capable d'inhiber très fortement la mycorhization avant même l'attachement du champignon à l'épiderme racinaire. Cette inhibition reliée aux teneurs en phosphate (P) dans les parties aériennes fait intervenir une signalisation systémique. Parmi les mécanismes régulateurs hypothétiques, la part des exsudats...

Arabidopsis wat1 (walls are thin1)-mediated resistance to the bacterial vascular pathogen, Ralstonia solanacearum, is accompanied by cross-regulation of salicylic acid and tryptophan metabolism

11/26/2012 00:00
Nicolas Denancé, Philippe Ranocha, Nicolas Oria, Xavier Barlet, Marie-Pierre Rivière, Koste A Yadeta, Laurent Hoffmann, François Perreau, Gilles Clément, Alessandra Maia-Grondard, Grardy den Berg, Bruno Savelli, Sylvie Fournier, Yann Aubert, Sandra Pelletier, Bart PHJ Thomma, Antonio Molina, Lise Jouanin, Yves Marco and Deborah Goffner   Abstract: Inactivation of Arabidopsis WAT1 (Walls Are Thin1), a gene required for secondary cell-wall deposition, conferred broad-spectrum resistance to...

The unique architecture and function of cellulose-interacting proteins in oomycetes revealed by genomic and structural analyses

11/09/2012 00:00
Mathieu Larroque, Roland Barriot, Arnaud Bottin, Annick Barre, Pierre Rougé, Bernard Dumas and Elodie Gaulin   Abstract: Oomycetes are fungal-like microorganisms evolutionary distinct from true fungi, belonging to the Stramenopile lineage and comprising major plant pathogens. Both oomycetes and fungi express proteins able to interact with cellulose, a major component of plant and oomycete cell walls, through the presence of carbohydrate-binding module belonging to the family 1 (CBM1)....

Study of the biosynthesis pathway of the geosmin in Penicillium expansum

11/05/2012 00:00
Muhammad Hussnain Siddique   Abstract (in French): La géosmine est un terpénoïde, provoquant un goût moisi-terreux associée à des flaveurs atypiques dans l’eau et le vin. Chez les bactéries, la voie de biosynthèse de la géosmine est bien caractérisée, mais peu de connaissance sont disponibles au sujet de sa biosynthèse chez les eucaryotes, en particulier dans les champignons filamenteux. L’origine de la géosmine dans la vigne est en grande partie attribuable à la présence de Penicillium...

Automating gene library synthesis by structure-based combinatorial protein engineering: examples from plant sesquiterpene synthases

11/03/2012 00:00
Dokarry M, Laurendon C and O'Maille PE   Abstract: Structure-based combinatorial protein engineering (SCOPE) is a homology-independent recombination method to create multiple crossover gene libraries by assembling defined combinations of structural elements ranging from single mutations to domains of protein structure. SCOPE was originally inspired by DNA shuffling, which mimics recombination during meiosis, where mutations from parental genes are "shuffled" to create novel combinations in...
Items: 111 - 120 of 193
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